The Wall

Did you ever try to get through the wall?

  • The one that blocks your call or sends your call into the phone tree phone tossing center?
  • Or the wall at the doctor’s office that sits behind that sliding glass window?
  • Or the wall that seats you in the restaurant but will not smile while doing so?
  • Or the wall at the bank that you can’t get through when you’re in a hurry but you must ‘wait here for the next available teller’ and 27 assistant managers are sitting at their desks trying like hell not to look at you?
  • Or the wall you can’t get through when you order the big Rhonda Rousey fight and it won’t come on so you must crawl through the fiberglass in your attic to reset the thingy and it won’t reset?
  • Or the one on Big Company’s website that won’t give you a phone number, address, or any other way in hell to get in touch with them?
  • Or the wall when you pull your car into the service area and the guys look at you like you’re an idiot because you didn’t know the infuser on your gumbobulater was metric?
  • Or the wall when you made your hotel reservations through one of those third-party bargain creators but when you check in the hotel the bedbugs tell you to get out of the bed?
  • Or the wall when you get a $25 certificate off the price of your laptop at the business store but you must send in the receipt and wait 30 days for the $25 and then you get another certificate saying it’s for in-store credit only?
  • Or the wall you can’t get through when you’re trying to put gas in your car and the thing you put your credit card in wants to know if you’re a member of the gas club, or your height, or your address, or if you need an oil change, or if you need a carwash but they don’t want to know if you’re running late?

I’m Paul Karem. I have an advanced CIWR degree (Certified In Wall Removal).  Bug around on my website for a while and I can turn the walls in your business into a deposit slip.

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