Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

Doctors Office Signs

Look around at your workplace.

Take a good look at the signs, especially if they are intended reading for your external customers.  I notice a lot of signs that are almost insulting to the customer.  Most of those are in the doctor’s office, although I must admit my personal doctor has no such signs and is very sensitive to exemplary customer service.  He referred me to a specialist once for a specialist examination and I noticed the signs in the office of the specialist gave me a further appreciation for my doctor.  Here is what they said:


  • Don’t insult people you want to do business with.
  • Don’t insult your loyal, existing customers.
  • Sometimes a sign on the outside is a hint of what’s on the inside.

And just for good measure, here’s a throwback jam for you to listen to…

Translation: You are either too stupid to balance a checkbook or you are trying to hang bad paper on doc.

Translation: Our time is more valuable than yours. You cannot cancel your appointment but you must wait in the lobby for 2 hours.

Translation: You can’t balance a checkbook so you need to pay this prior to your 2 hour wait.

Translation: No cell phones; what could you possibly have to call about that is more important than waiting silently for 2 hours?

Translation: Does there exist a magazine that is a more likely target for a thief than Diabetes Today ?

If you would like to inquire about Paul speaking to your company, please click the button below and Paul will contact you within one business day.

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